DTU sea ice visualisation system
User's guide



hardware: The service requires a computer capable of running a web browser with Java, we recommend Firefox, but the system should work with ms ie ...

Third party software: A JAVA capable web browser as described above. Unzip software. Most UNIX and Linux computers comes with a zip utility installed. Sun's Java Virtual Machine.

DTU java software: All DTU software has been compressed in ZIP format. All data zip files must be unzipped into the same (top level) directory (created by you for this purpose). You must keep the DTU subdirectory information from the zip-files. Installation files are found in
for the arctic and for the antarctic

Data files: Continously updated ice data files are found at Arctic and Antarctic. Files are available for a number of geographic sub areas. Just go to the relevant subdirectory.
YYYYMMDD.amsr.n.comb.zip contains a colour image of the ice conditions (normally not very sensitive to cloud influence)
YYYYMMDD.amsr.n.89ice.zip contains a black and white image of better resolution, but may be more influenced by atmosphere (clouds).
YYYY is year MM is month DD is day of the month
In addition, wind forecasts are available as overlays for 12:00 (12 hour forecast), 24:00 (24 hour forecast) and 24:00 UTC the following day (48 hour forecast) in subdirectory named wind

Unzip the data files to the same directory as the software, remember to maintain subdirectory information, and point your web browser to the file run.html in the chosen directory and you should be up and running. Also, let new files overwrite old files. Select the year, the month and the day, and load the image list for that day.
You cannot use more than one area from a particular day, and you may experience problems when switching between days with data from different areas. Just make a new top level directory with the java software for each of the areas you need.

Internet access: All the software can be installed before going to sea, but in order to download the daily updated datafiles while at sea, you must have internet access. This is most readily acihieved by calling your internet service provider (ISP) using the satellite telephone (INMARSAT, IRIDIUM, ....) on board. The daily download times are in the order of 2-5 minutes depending on area and number of products.


Latest update Mon Dec 3 11:24:51 CET 2007 by rs(at)space.dtu.dk, don't be shy, complain if you find something wrong :)